We believe that for efficient functioning of a voluntary organisation, capacity building of three types of personnel is a must:
People involved in strategic decision of the organisation i.e. Board members and Senior management
People involved in financial management i.e. finance staff
People involved in implementation of programmes i.e. program staff
Keeping this in mind, CPA offers two types of online courses:
- NPO Governance Program
- Certificate Course on Financial Management and Accountability (CFMA)
The courses are taught through a highly effective online learning platform portal named cpaschooloflearning. Register or drop a query by clicking on the portal name. You can contact us on 9650902445
If you are not sure what are the areas in your organization that need to be worked upon, we got you covered there as well. Visit our online rating tool www.rateyourngo.org for self-assessment of your own organization. It is a very effective no cost online rating tool that helps you keep track of your improvement over the period of time and also highlights the areas where you might need intervention from an expert. See for yourself by clicking on the website link and getting registered.
While having a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility plan is an essential part of running a modern top-tier company, vetting non-governmental organizations (NGOs), conducting due diligence, performing regular site visits, and keeping legal records for effective CSR Reporting is time consuming and expensive.
CPA Services takes the administrative burden off of your company, enabling you and your team to focus on the amazing impact your company is making.
Developing Proposal Screening Tools
As a CSR foundation in India, you must be receiving quite a few proposals on a daily basis for CSR Project implementation from a host of NGOs. It becomes cumbersome for the team to review each and every line of the proposal in order to forward it to the next level of authority. In order to solve this complicated process, we offer to develop Proposal Screening Tool which would help the team to rate the proposal on certain standard parameters. This reduces the burden of the team to go through each and every proposal, which make the whole process less time-consuming and consequently, inexpensive.
Due Dilligence/ Pre-Grant Assessment
In the current times, it has become important that we choose an implementing partner to conduct our CSR activities with the desired level of capacity and skill set. We help International Development Agencies/ Corporate Foundations in conducting due diligence of Not for Profit/NGO partners in South Asian Region. This is important from the perspective that there are number of NGOs working in different thrust areas in any geography today. It is critical to understand whether the prospective partner organization has the level of systems, processes and capacity to handle the proposed CSR Grants. Moreover, knowing the background, past work experience, other funding partners, legitimacy and credibility of the organization has become inevitable before starting our partnership.
CPA Services works with Multiple National and International Development Agencies and Corporate Foundations in conducting due diligence for prospective partnerships.
Financial Review/Project Audits
It is important that the limited resources in the CSR domain are used efficiently in order to promote sustained development effectiveness. In this regard, CPA Services offers to undertake Project Audits (Financial and Programme) for the projects being implemented by the NGOs on behalf of the Corporate Foundations. For example, the following aspects are reviewed by us generally during such reviews
- Compliance to legal regulations
- Financial Management and controls
- Programme management and Sustainability
- Sub-Granting and management of downstream partnerships
Monitoring and Evaluation
In order to ensure that the implementing partners are adhering to the agreements/contracts, we undertake Monitoring and Evaluation of Development/CSR projects on behalf of Corporate and Funding Agencies. Monitoring and Evaluation helps in effective, accountable and sustainable implementation of development projects.
Capacity Building and Training
A skilled force is better enabled to address the development challenges and contribute productively towards meeting the social goals. We see Capacity Building and training at two levels: One at the Foundation team on the aspects of monitoring, analysing financial reports, etc. and other at the implementing partner on the aspects of reporting, book-keeping and compliance to legal regulations.
We provide CSR & Reporting training programs and offer long-term support/ handholding for organization's senior and middle management in the following areas
- CSR Reporting
- Accounting and Book-Keeping
- Internal Controls
- Legal compliances
CPA Services has a dedicated legal helpline number where one can dial in and get their queries and doubts related to Legal, Accounting& Governance matters sorted out for NPOs on an instant basis.
The helpline can be dialed at +91 9266739802
Through a specialized website for FCRA, we aim to provide valuable information to NGOs related to the FCRA Act, Rules, Notifications and FAQs issued in this regard. As a one-stop solution for the Civil Society Organization, the website contains Registration procedures, compliances and key operational aspects related to FCRA and is updated with latest amendments and technical analysis for some of the complicated provisions of the Act.
Click here for visiting the specialized website for FCRA related matters for NGOs
Income Tax for NPOs
In order to cover the key provisions and its practical aspects, we have a specialized website for the Income tax related matters for the NGOs. The sole purpose of this income tax website is to disseminate valuable information to NGOs to help them overcome the operational difficulties with regard to registration procedures, key operational aspects, etc related to Income Tax for NPOs. This site is developed with highly skilled personnel and updated with latest amendments with an aim to provide a one-stop solution for all the income tax-related matters for the civil society organizations.
Click here for visiting the specialized website for Income Tax related matters for NGOs
Legal Issues for NGOs
Through this website, we aim to provide information related to the various statutes and procedures related to Incorporation & registration, GST and Labour laws. This site is developed with highly skilled personnel and updated with latest amendments with an aim to provide a one-stop solution for various incorporation and enabling laws related to civil society organizations.
Click here for visiting the specialized website for Legal Issues related matters for NGOs